2024 - 2025 ISOD OFFICERS​
​Robin Engstenberg - President​
Gerry O'Connor- Vice President
​Dan McGraw - Treasurer​
Deborah Sheehan - Secretary
Kevin McCarthy - Immediate Past President​
​Donna Kilby - Membership Chairperson​
- Publicity Chairperson​​
Kathy Crowell - Special Events Chair​person
- Parade Chairperson
Ed McNamara - Member-at-Large​
Janice McGraw - Member-at-Large
Patti Papineau - Scholarship Chairperson​

The primary purpose of the Irish Society of Delmarva is to enjoy and foster an understanding of Irish history and culture, without reference to politics or religion.
(Left to Right: Past President, Pat Fitzgerald - Past Secretary, Brenda Leeper - Past Treasurer, Jim Welsh - V.P., Paul Engstenberg)
ISOD Past-Presidents​​
Kevin McCarthy
Colin Lehane
Brenda Leeper
Pat Fitzgerald
Ed McNamara​​​ ​​​
Richard/Mary Brennan​​​​
Mary Fitzpatrick​​​​
Kay O'Day Allen​​​​
Donna Watson​​
Robin Engstenberg​​
Nancy Wallace
Mary Dalton
Kathy Williams
Sandy Kinkus
John Kennedy
Tom Winnberg -ISOD Founder
It all started with a dream. A dream that envisioned an organization of people who were interested in Irish history, culture and arts. One that would pursue good fellowship and friendships regardless of religion, race or political ideology. Calls were made, letters were written, ads were placed in the newspapers and in-home meetings were held. With much perseverance, and driven by personalities that were not willing to accept defeat, Tom and Mary Winnberg became dedicated to establishing an Irish Society in the heart of Delmarva. With continued persistence and several months later the group finally grew large enough to hold its first public meeting.​
On October 18, 1990, the first official meeting was held in the Boscov's auditorium in Dover Mall. It was there that the newly established Irish Society became known as the "Irish Society of Delmarva.